Monday, January 24, 2011

My books of Spring semester, 2011

Well, I finally decided to make a blog just for books. "Maer Parma" means "good writings"-- while the books I read aren't all "good" by general definition, I do have my own standards. Anyway, here are the books I'm planning on reading this semester for Contemporary Lit (1-12), and some for fun:

  1. The Road, McCarthy (finished; review coming later)
  2. A Mercy, Morrison (in the middle)
  3. White Tiger, Adiga
  4. The Plague of Doves, Erdrich
  5. Lark & Termite, Phillips
  6. The Year of the Flood, Atwood
  7. A Gate at the Stairs, Moore
  8. Let the Great World Spin, McCann
  9. Solar, McEwan
  10. Olive Kitteridge, Strout
  11. The Book Thief, Zusak
  12. Black Water, Oates
  13. Letters and Papers from Prison or A Testament to Freedom (the former is Bonhoeffer's works from prison, the latter the a compilation of his "best" works)-- bought both at B&N recently
  14. Guy Gavriel Kay's Fionavar Tapestry (currently in the middle of the first book of this one)
Books for Old Testament class are Old Testament Parallels, by Victor H Matthews and Don C Benjamin and The Old Testament, by Michael D Coogan. For Asian Religions, we are reading The World's Religions by Huston Smith and Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse.